Thursday, 13 April 2017

I Survived The Week

It sounds dramatic because I am dramatic. I sometimes wish I could just be super even keel, but I am not. I am normally surfing a high or riding out a low. This week was a low. I got sick and was out of the game for a few days, thankfully not without help so I could rest off my illness but it left me feeling unlike myself and down in the dumps. The things like writing and taking the kids on everyday adventures that normally excite me, seemed to require far too much effort and I got through the week barely on tv, tea and toast.

I am not even going to tell you that I tried because some days I didn't. I kinda felt a little bit bad about it but kinda didn't. 

I had scheduled work one night this week which I am normally so excited about but even it was stressing me out. I wasn't going to cancel so before walking out the door I kneeled by my bed and prayed. I didn't even know what to pray or be grateful for but I just started by saying "thanks God for the day", then I started to rhyme off some other things I was thankful for and I realized I had lots to be grateful for. And I was grateful. 

As I drove to work though, I still didn't feel like myself. I tried to focus on my blessings, the sun and the good music on the radio but nope, still didn't feel like me. 

Do you ever have days, weeks or months like this? Please tell me I am not the only one. I have come to learn sometimes life is hard and things kinda suck for no specific reason. These phases always pass, I normally learn a few lessons while in them but they aren't fun. 

It is also very helpful for me to write and share, that's actually why I started my blog in the first place, to help sort out my thoughts. So if your going through a dark period, your not alone, everything will be ok and it won't last forever. 

Here's to a brighter tomorrow 


Sherri said...

Thanks for sharing Heather, you're definitely it alone! I've been having a hard few months, but make an effort to be grateful everyday. And when I'm in a good place I really appreciate it. Sometimes we need the hard times to appreciate just how great we have it.

Heather Audrey Lapier said...

Sherri you are so right, the hard times definitely make me appreciate the good times and the simple pleasures in life. There is always something to be grateful for! I am grateful for you! Xoxo

Jimy said...

Yes you are right. There are times when nothing seems to make you happy and optimistic. You feel so low that nothing feels good but there is always a ray of hope after darkness.