Wednesday 15 February 2017


I have had the pleasure of enjoying Gather Lambton with my children a few times now since its opening and we all agree, it's a fun place!

When I first learned about this spot and the concept I was so excited. Moms get together with the kids at a place where the kids can get loose and the moms can connect. Bonus, no one has to tidy toys at the end the visit. Being at home with my children everyday can leave me feeling a little disconnected and alone sometimes. When my two year old throws a tantrum that makes me feel like my life is out of control or my baby wants to be held for days on end, the only thing I want to feel is the comfort of knowing I am not alone in this journey. For me, the answer is getting out of the house.

I try to get out a few times a week and we are grateful for a new place to gather with other moms and children who need what we need, to play and feel connected.

And while the adult interaction is life saving for me and the new environment is stimulating for my children, it also provides me with an opportunity to connect with Luke more deeply as well. When Lizzy falls asleep on the drive to Petrolia, Luke and I are provided with a window of focused play time, just the two of us, in an environment with very few distractions for me and that is something I am grateful for as well.

Why is it important for you to gather together with other moms and children? I would love to know, please comment.

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